Our Services

Check Out Our Online Community

We seek to establish a gathering place where patients can find educational, physical and mental health support programming that might otherwise be currently denied to them. Patients deserve a safe place to tell their stories, critique existing services, create new ones, and advocate for change. We know what the problems are.  Together we can fix them.

Membership Programs

Current & Future

Our Memberships include:

  • Assistance for patients wishing to set up their own meetings and/or scheduling speakers on topics of interest.
  • Development of a community education program for nurses and other qualified professionals where they can learn the necessary skills to become the patient advocates and medical liaisons needed to change Primary Care into a personalized patient-centered alternative.
  • Access to Keys to Recovery groups for cancer patients, Inner Energy Exercise programs for seniors and others interested in a healthy mind and body, outdoor health walks, webinars and seminars and related innovative offerings at reduced costs.
  • Community Volunteer Leadership and volunteer programs.
  • Free Patient support listings on the One-Click Community Organization Support Grid with direct links to member websites.
  • We want to hear from you. Join our weekly online program, “The Patients’ Voice”, an opportunity for participants to tell their stories, create solutions, respond to speakers, suggest future topics for discussion.
  • We will promote your events through Patients for Change Announcements, (as space is available).
  • Free access to “membership only” events.

To Become a Member Sign up Here

Join the One-Click Online Patients' Community Organization Support Grid
Post Your Free Non-Profit Website Application

Bay Area Non-Profit Organizations



A live weekly on-line forum, “The Patient’s Voice”, where patients and supporters interested and/or engaged in reforming patient care can gather together and find the support they need to stand up for themselves and reform the system.


An online One-click Guide to patient-centered nonprofit community organizations and private support business websites.


Up-to-date information on how and why health care has been co-opted plus access to the latest healthcare information found in the Lowen Right Care newsletter.


Volunteer forums of selected Bay Area leaders to plan strategy, advocate for patient healthcare reforms, and plan ways to organize the community. Local like-minded volunteers who will encourage patient-centered organizations to list their programs on the Grid, plan events, and participate in related support activities.