An Independent Online Patient Support Alternative
Everyone wants to reform the system, but no one knows how to do it. Patients need their own support system, one solely dedicated to meeting their needs and giving them a voice in their treatment. Without a voice, they continue to give away their power, control of their bodies, their judgment, and their rights while allowing others to continue to talk about, at, or, for them. The time has come for patients to speak for themselves. One patient can’t successfully challenge the existing system, but there are millions who can. When organized, patients and supporters become a formidable force for change. Given their own healthcare support platform, patients’ voices will be heard. The time has come for them to reclaim their rights as equal partners in the delivery of healthcare. Since we may all be patients one day, it is time we listened to what they have to say. That’s what the Patient’s Voice is all about.
To meet the challenge, this interactive, replicable model website has been transformed into an electronic home for The Patient’s Voice. The program takes place over a two-year period and the membership is free. We begin by focusing on Marin and San Francisco counties as the model program.
Past, present, and future patients and supporters can meet to share ideas, ask questions, state their opinions of existing services, empower one another and stand up for their rights as human beings. Above all, they can provide solutions.
Using Zoom, Google, or similar sites, The Patient’s Voice group members won’t have to leave home in order to attend. Each group will have 6 patient volunteer participants and 2 members of the training leadership. Each group has a specific purpose. They will meet for 90 minutes over an estimated four-week period.

Leaders will come from people trained in both traditional and non-traditional backgrounds, including community healthcare advocates.
We will contact and recruit patient related services to advertise on the grid.
Benefits to advertisers:
- To give patients all they need in one place, we encourage patient-centered organizations to post their services on the grid. Participants are listed according to the kinds of services offered. Annual memberships are based on a sliding scale.
- Advertisers and patients have access to each other on a one-to-one basis.
- Advertising costs are tax deductible.
- Advertisers show support for the patients they serve.
- Fee schedule to be determined
We will develop a Patient’s Voice podcast
- In the second-year services will extend to all remaining Bay Area counties.
- Continuing grid classes and groups, put in special programs, seminars, webinars at reduced costs.
- Special programs, speakers, classes, and special events can be on the calendar and announcement pages. All services are under the auspices of Patients for Change United.